
     The University of the Philippines Association of Civil Engineering Students (UP ACES), a non-stock, non-profit duly recognized student organization, and now on its 50th year, will be sponsoring a year-round collection of events for the Academic Year 2004-2005. Among these are the UP Engineering Week Events such as the Halu-halong Palo and Jammeng'g. But among all these activities throughout the year, three events stand above the rest. These are the Indakan, Alumni Homecoming and the National Civil Engineering Quiz.

     Student organizations within the college as well as those from the rest of the UP Community participate in the Indakan, which is a major night event in the Engineering Week. Here, the Engineering students manifest their hidden dancing talents as they show us how it's done in accordance to the year's chosen theme.

     On the other hand, the National Civil Engineering Quiz 2004 highlights the school year for the organization and other participating schools. This event features the best and the brightest Civil Engineering students from numerous schools all over the Philippines as they vie for top honors. Aside from achieving the most-sought academic excellence, it also aims to foster camaraderie among all participants and the rest of the students in the Civil Engineering field.

     In this regard, we are cordially inviting you and your company to support and be part of these events. We have included a proposal with this introductory letter that we hope is to your satisfaction. For inquiries, please call the following contact numbers: CLARISSA V. ONG (4340626/09185517814).

     Please be assured that your company will be contributing to a meritorious endeavor. Thank you and more power to you and your company.

     In our continuous commitment of engaging in long-term relationships with our sponsors, we would like you to be part of our organization's activity line-up for the academic year 2004-2005.


   The National Civil Engineering Quiz is a contest that showcases the talents and abilities of the greatest minds in the field of civil engineering. Participated by almost 60 schools from all over the country and attended by close to 500 guests and participants, it enhances the camaraderie between CE students by giving them the opportunity to mingle with each other, to exchange visions and ideas, as well as to exhibit friendly competition and sportsmanship. As for us, the event offers a great opportunity for our organizational skills to be tested and further improved through experience. This year, the UP ACES strives once more to make this year's CE QUIZ the greatest it has ever been.


~ Indakan~
     The Indakan, one of the five major night events of the Engineering Week, is a themed event that showcases the talents of the engineering students outside of their academics. Joined by close to 20 organizations, it gives the participants an outlet to exhibit their creativity and dancing abilities. It is a much talked-about and participated event which draws almost a thousand people composed of engineering students, faculty, alumni, and those who merely want to witness the dancing prowess of the contestants who go out of their way to prepare for this competition. The UP ACES, for their part, prepares well for the occasion to ensure that Indakan remains the spectacular event that people has come to look forward to for almost a decade now.

~ Halu-Halong Palo ~
     Ace, deuce, and advantage are just some of the terms used in Halu-Halong Palo, the competition awaited by UP Engineering's resident tennis buffs. All engineering organizations are invited to send their representatives to pit their skills, talents, and stamina against each other in a friendly game of tennis.

~ Jammeng'g ~
     Jammeng'g is an event where the musically gifted engineering students battle it out live in an acoustic-driven jam session. It is one of Engineering Week's day events, which draws a crowd of music-enthusiasts and critics alike.

*Aside from the said events, the other year round events of the UP ACES include the Open Tambayan and the Annual Exhibit. *

     In line with this project, we would like to invite your company to take part in this event through sponsorship and share with us the fame and glamour that this project will bring.  We give you the assurance that top priority shall be accorded to your company.

     The proposal below includes a detailed description of the project as well as the list of packages you may choose from.  Should you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

    If your company would like to discuss a customized sponsorship package (e.g. to sponsor a particular event), please do not hesitate to inform one of the following:

Clarissa Ong
Sandy Mae Gaspay
Cherry Mateo
Therese Sonsing
Richard Cadacio

    09185517814 / 4340626
    09178507337 / 8249227 / 4331727


     If you would like us to send you a fax or personally deliver the contract to your company, kindly contact any of the members listed above or email us.

     We look forward to your support and participation in this endeavor.  Thank you and more power.





As donor, you will enjoy the following benefits:

  • Company name will appear on all streamers (maximum of 3) and posters (minimum of 200) for at least seven days around campus and in participating institutions and establishments.
  • Billing and company name and logo placed below the minor sponsors.
  • Company name and logo will be flashed in the computer via wide screen during assembly, at the beginning and during gaps for each event.
  • Acknowledgement as Donor by the hosts of each event.
  • Quarter page advertisement in the souvenir program.


As the Minor Sponsor, your contribution in cash or in kind entitles your company to the following privileges for the year round events of the UP ACES.

Special Privileges

  • Option to facilitate product sampling at the events. Your representatives may also conduct it at the venue of the event if they wish to do so.
  • Option to distribute promotional materials during the events.
  • Option to play Company Jingle once during the National CE quiz and Indakan.
  • Acknowledgement as Minor Sponsor by the hosts of each event and on the radio sponsors.
  • Company name and logo will be flashed in the computer via wide screen during assembly, at the beginning and gaps of events.
    Print Privileges
  • TERTIARY billing in the following promotional materials (Note: Logos must be emailed to on or before August 16)
    - 2 Omnibus streamers to be put up at least one week before each event and 3-6 streamers
    - Minimum of 200 posters will be put up around campus and participating establishments, institutions for at least 7 days.
  • Half page advertisement in the souvenir programs. Copies of the souvenir programs will be provided for your company.
  • Company name and logo to be featured in the outside back page of the souvenir program.
Web Privileges
  • Option to have your company name and logo appear in the UP ACES website ( in the featured vent space.


As the Major Sponsor, your company will have SECONDARY billing in all publicity materials, half page advertisement in the souvenir programs and all other benefits of the Minor Sponsor. In addition, your company is entitled to these privileges:

  • Option to set up booths to showcase or sell products and promotional materials. UP ACES, members are wiling to help you.
  • Option to give out special awards in the National CE Quiz and Indakan.
  • Option to lend the UP ACES 2 company streamers to be put up during each event.
  • Option to play your company jingle at least twice during the National CE Quiz and Indakan.
  • Acknowledgement as Major Sponsor by the hosts of each event and on the radio sponsors.


As the Co-Presentor, your company becomes our partner and will enjoy all the benefits of the Major Sponsor. Also, PRIMARY billing in all publicity materials and a Full-page advertisement in the souvenir programs for each event. In addition, your company will be entitled to

  • Option to show your company video or product/service advertisements during the National CE Quiz and Indakan.
  • Option to have your company’s description, history or product/service line up featured for 6 months in the UP ACES website ( Our website links to almost all of the UP ACES alumni.
  • Option to lend UP ACES 3 company streamers to be put up during each event.
  • Option to play Company jingle at least Three times during the National CE Quiz and Indakan.
  • Acknowledgement as Co-Presentor by the hosts of each event and on radio sponsors.


As our Co-Presentor, your company will enjoy all benefits of a Co-Presentor package and our organization is prohibited in soliciting sponsorships in the same line of business or category. Also other benefits include:

  • Option to lend UP ACES 5 company streamers to be put up during each event.
  • Option to have special wards or game segments named after your company name during the National CE Quiz and Indakan.
  • Acknowledgement as Co-Presentor by the hosts of each event and on radio sponsors.
  • Your company will receive video documentation of all major events to be held for the entire year.



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Any comments or suggestions? Email the webmaster!
A project of the UP ACES Externals Committee AY 2004-2005
Copyright © UP Association of Civil Engineering Students


Charlene Hazel C. Tan

Winston O. Florin Jr.
VP-Internal Affairs

Rachel Ann Apuan
VP-External Affairs

Ma. Gracia San Diego
Executive Secretary

Richard Cadacio
Executive Treasurer


Percival Apolinario

Chrismar Jayson Punzal
Florante Valeroso

Rupert Joseph Ruiz
Professional Formation

Warren D. Gomez

Prulyn Angelo Provido

Princess Jennifer Patricio
Albert Grino Jr.
Nat'l CE Quiz Chair


CE Exhibit
2005 National CE Quiz
Indakan 2005
Mems' Days
House Cleaning
Apps' Night
Talents' Night
Final Rights / Sem Ender

days 'til the CE Quiz 2005!

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