
     The UP Association of Civil Engineering Students (UP ACES) is the premier civil engineering organization of the UP College of Engineering.  For almost 50 years, the organization has ensured the formation of outstanding and well-rounded civil engineers, producing consistent topnotchers in the CE board exams as well as distinguished and respected alumni and faculty in the College of Engineering.  As one of the oldest and recognized organizations in the college, UP ACES continues to promote academic excellence, versatility, and camaraderie among its members.

     The UP ACES Resident Members' Webpage was created to present the current events and up-to-date news about UP ACES, as well as to inform the members and applicants of important announcements.  It is being handled by the resident members of the organization so that it may be easily updated, with the guidance of the faculty advisers and alumni.  For a more comprehensive view of UP ACES, please visit the UP ACES Official Website,, which is being handled by the UP ACES Alumni.  Here you may find alumni contacts, get-togethers and other news about UP ACES members.

       UP ACES

profile - learn more about UP ACES!
members - the complete list of resident members and officers
e-lib - electronic library for online retrival of digital files
events - our major events and schedule of  activities
proposal - for sponsorship packages.
sponsors - complete list of sponsors in our activities.
news - important
announcements and news about our org
pictures - kodak moments of parties and special events
applications - want to be a member of UP ACES? fill up the online application form!
links - other sites you may want to visit
guestbook -
for your
comments and feedback


Visit the NEW picture page here!

Pictures are now available for viewing.
If you want to post your pics, please give them to Albert
or send them by email.  Thanks!



| Home  |  Profile  |  Members  | E-lib  |  Events  |  Proposal  |  Sponsors |
| News  |  Pictures | Applications  |  Links  |  Guest book |

Any comments or suggestions? Email the webmaster!
A project of the UP ACES Externals Committee AY 2004-2005
Copyright © UP Association of Civil Engineering Students

Welcome! Today is

This page was last updated
July 24, 2005

Click here for the
BS CE Curriculum, flowchart, and
course titles.


November 4 - 8, 2004
General Registration

November 9, 2004
Start of Classes

June 18, 2004
UP Foundation Day

August 7-8 2004

December 16, 2005
Lantern Parade

Dec 18, 2004 - Jan 2, 2005
Christmas Vacation

January 3, 2005
Resumption of Classes

February 21, 2005
Deadline for Dropping

September 13, 2005
National CE Quiz

March 8, 2005
Deadline for filing LOA

March 22, 2005
End of Classes

March 28 - April5
Final Exams

April 24, 2005
Commencement Exercises