
BSCE Course Descriptions

CE 21       Engineering Statistics
Prerequisite:     Math 53
     Frequnecy distribution, averages, measures of variations, simple probability, theory of large and small sampling, correlation and applications in engineering.

CE 22       Engineering Economy
     The fundamentals of engineering decisions. Cost concepts, equivalence methods and rate of return analysis, depreciation and inflation.

CE 25       Mathematical Problems in Civil Engineering
Prerequisite:     ES 21
                                                                                       Co-requisite:     ES 13
Basic Tools for Numerical Analysis, Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations and Partial Differential Equations, Analytical Methods and other numerical methods. 

CE 110     Hydrology
Prerequisite:     CE 21
     Occurrence and distribution of water in nature.  Analysis of rainfall and streamflow data.  Estimation of hydrologic abstractions.  Hydrograph synthesis.  Groundwater resource analysis.

CE 111     Water Resources Engineering I
Prerequisite:     CE 110
     Analysis of dams and spillways.  Design of fates and outlet works.  Flow in open channels and pressure conduits.  Pipe network.  Hydraulic machinery.

CE 112     Water Resources Engineering II
Prerequisite:     CE 111
     Irrigation and drainage.  Inland waterways.  Waterpower engineering.  Flood and sediment control.  Multi-purpose projects.  Water resource planning.

CE 121     Construction Materials
     Technology and testing of common construction materials.  Concrete mix design.
                                                                      Co-requisite:     CE 151

CE 123     Construction Engineering and Management I
Prerequisite: Senior Standing
     Legal and ethical aspects of the engineering profession.  Relations between professional engineers, clients, and the public.  Construction contract administration.  Case studies.

CE 124     Construction Engineering and Management II
Prerequisite:     CE 123
     Principals of organization.  Job scheduling and planning.  Optimization methods in construction.  Construction equipment and practices, fabrication drawings.

CE 131     Elements of Environmental Engineering
Prerequisite:    Chem 16
     Engineering principles in environmental sanitation and public health, environmental effects of engineering projects.

CE 132     Sanitary Engineering
Prerequisite:     CE 131
     Unit operations in water and wastewater treatment.  Design of water and wastewater treatment plants.

CE 141     Transportation Engineering I
Prerequisite:     GE 12
     Highway planning.  Geometric design of roads and intersections.  Traffic control fundamentals.  Earthwork calculations.  Pavement design.  Drainage, road construction and maintenance.  Airport engineering fundamentals.

CE 142     Transportation Engineering II
requisite:  CE 22 and CE 141
     Characterization and analysis of transportation systems in various modes of transportation.  Transport and traffic surveys.  Traffic flow fundamentals.  Planning of transportation projects.

CE 150     Structural Engineering I
                                                                      Prerequisite:     ES 14
     Analysis and design of axially loaded members, connections and homogenous beams.  Introduction to elastic and inelastic stability.  Serial frame analysis.

CE 151     Structural Engineering II
                                                                      Prerequisite:     CE 150
     Analysis of beam columns.  Plate bending and stability.  Design of homogenous and non-homogenous elements under combined loads.

CE 162     Geotechnical Engineering I
                                                                     Prerequisite: Geology 11
     Mechanics of soils and rocks.  Phase relationships.  Consolidation behavior of soils.  Cyclic loading and hysteresis.  Site investigation.  Soil classification.

CE 163     Geotechnical Engineering II
                                                             Prerequisite:     CE 162
     Structural foundations.  Retaining walls, tie-backs, and earth structures.  Slope stability.  Soil and site improvement.  Numerical methods in foundation engineering.

CE 180     Seminar

                                                         Prerequisite:     Senior Standing

CE 198     Thesis
                                                         Prerequisite:     Senior Standing


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November 4 - 8, 2004
General Registration

November 9, 2004
Start of Classes

June 18, 2004
UP Foundation Day

August 7-8 2004

December 16, 2004
Lantern Parade

Dec 18, 2004 - Jan 2, 2005
Christmas Vacation

January 3, 2005
Resumption of Classes

February 21, 2005
Deadline for Dropping

September 13, 2005
National CE Quiz

March 8, 2005
Deadline for filing LOA

March 22, 2005
End of Classes

March 28 - April5
Final Exams

April 24, 2005
Commencement Exercises